Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Money Habits

DID WE GET FINANCIALLY WISE IN 2018? HERE ARE A FEW MONEY HABITS THAT CAN MAKE 2019 BETTER A new year has started and no doubt resolutions are being made and things are being planned. A new year, a new start and way to go! But hold on! Is something being planned for your finances? For that matter, what changed in your finances in 2018? The assessment from my sessions is that only a small percentage of people have actually made a change in their money habits. Here is what I observed in 2018: Investment biases A majority of individuals I met at sessions still shied away from taking a risk with their investments, despite taking bigger risks with their lives by having apps on their phones which track their movements and much more. Even with real estate being stagnant, the propensity to buy a second property is high. This is really to do with their own anchoring and fear of loss bias. Read more at for Health Insurance/Mediclaim related services, U can always call us at 98401 77017 Devarajan

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