Thursday, July 13, 2023

How to Reduce the Premium in Star Health Family Optima Policy

*Star Health Insurance: *Family Health Optima* Policy: How We can reduce the Premium 
1.Long term discount: If the policy term opted is 2 years, discount available is at 10% on 2nd year premium.
2.Upfront Discount:We will provide upfront discount of 5% on the premium, if the following additional questions related to lifestyle and habits are answered by the insured at the time of purchasing this policy. (ONLINE MODE through the link provided by Us)
- This discount will be available only on the base policy premium not on Optional/ Add-on covers.
- This discount will be available only once, that is at the time of first purchase of this policy and if purchased online.
- The discount will be given only if all the Adult Members proposed for Insurance answered the questions
3. No Claim discount: Discount of 5% is offered to the customers who have not made any claim for the preceding three consecutive policy years. This discount is allowed as a *one-time benefit*. i.e. This discount is applicable only for the first time when the insured renewing under the revised Family Health Optima Insurance Plan from earlier versions of Family Health Optima Insurance Plan, provided there is no claim for last 3 consecutive years of earlier versions of Family Health Optima Insurance Plan.
4.  Zone Based Premium Structure. It he zone III, the premium is Low
5. Star Wellness Program: This program intends to promote, incentivize and to reward the Insured Persons' healthy life style through various wellness activities. The wellness activities are designed to help the Insured person to earn wellness reward points which will be tracked and monitored by the Company. The wellness pointsearned by the Insured Person(s) under the wellness program, can be utilized to get discount in premium during the renewal.  Premium disscounts range from 4% to 20%

For complete details. Read the Policy wordings. 


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