Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Life Insurance Services

*Brakes and Life Insurance*

Once in a physics class, the teacher asked the students, *“Why do we have brakes in a car?”*
Varied answers were received:

“To stop”

“To reduce speed”

“To avoid collision” etc.,

But the *best answer* was,

*“To enable you to drive faster”*

This statement is difficult to understand but it is true.

*If you have no brakes in your car then how fast will you drive your car?*

It’s *because of brakes that we can dare to accelerate, dare to go fast and reach destinations* we desire.

At various points in life, we find risks like the following.
1. *Early Death*
2. *Medical Sickness*
3. *Accidental Injury*
4. *Accidental Permanent Disability*
5. *Difficulty in Education and Marriage of Children* due to Early Death
6. *Difficulty in Survival of Spouse* Due to Early Death

Without brakes in a vehicle, you could have skid, lost direction or met with an unfortunate accident. *Brakes in a vehicle are for your safety and well-being and helping you reach your desired destinations on time.*

Similarly, Life Insurance can actually act as a brake which will Compensate for Financial Loss due to death and other difficulties mentioned above. Thus *Life Insurance would stop Death and Other Difficulties from Damaging Your and ylYour Family's Life.*

*Appreciate the “brakes” in your life.*
Use them wisely and take good care of them.

*Buy the Brakes of Life Insurance, Health Insurance, retirement planning and Accidental Insurance Today and Securely Drive the Vehicle of Your Life.*

Call 98401 77017 Devarajan for Ur needs, Services

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