Sunday, June 3, 2018

Cardiac Care Policy . HEALTH INSURANCE AGENT·SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2018 Call Devarajan 98401 77017 for details Star health slashes premium rates for Cardiac policy by up to 40% Now, 'Star Cardiac Care' will offer customers access and a cover for all day-care procedures Star Health and Allied Insurance company has revised the premium rate(s) for its 'Star Cardiac Care' insurance policy, allowing customers to avail of the policy at a lower rate depending on their age. The premium rates have been lowered by around 28 to 40 per cent, depending on the underwriting characteristics of the insured, and will continue to cover hospitalization for cardiac ailments or diseases, accidents, Cardiac Surgery, and other (non-cardiac) ailments, as well as outpatient medical expenses and personal cover for accidental death. Unfortunately many people in the country do not get access to an insurance Policy. which covers all of the above services. While heart disease is a rampant problem in the country, people on numerous occasions have got rejected when buying a health-insurance policy, as they suffer from a pre-existing cardiac health condition. Prior to the revision, the 'Star Cardiac Care' policy was limited to cover 405 procedures, but now will offer customers access and a cover for all day-care procedures as well.

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