Saturday, August 8, 2020

Spl Mediclaim Policy for Young Persons

Young Star Insurance policy for people aged between 18 and 40 years to meet their specific healthcare requirements.

the Policy provides customers with benefits ranging from incentive-led wellness programmes, lowest waiting periods and automatic restoration of sum insured.
The Young Star health insurance policy provides customers (aged 36 years or less) with a lifetime discount of 10% on the premium applicable if they renew their policy consistently. The policy also offers an additional basic sum insured of 25% (or up to Rs 1 lakh) on any road traffic accidents requiring in-patient hospitalization. The policy is available on an individual basis and as a family floater plan, and the sum insured options range from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 1 crore.
instalment premium options, wellness programs to manage and get incentivised on good health, low waiting periods and others. The policy also covers mental illness and any OPD or hospitalisation expenses for the Coronavirus outbreak
call 98401 77017 Devarajan to know more about it

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